Disclaimer and About CIC


Coffee in Cairns (CIC) provides its website as a service to the public, promoting travel, cafe tourism, coffee and cafes in Australia’s Tropical North Queensland (TNQ) city of Cairns.

The comprehensive nature of Coffee in Cairns means that the website is an effective resource for travellers to the Cairns region. Tours, for example, are broken down in categories such as reef trips, fishing tours, local sightseeing tours, rainforest tours etc.

All ‘best cafes’ listed on the home page are based on personal experience of the author and therefore represent a subjective opinion.

These cafés have been chosen especially for the quality of their coffee, but may also be listed on the basis of their popularity, ambience etc.

Coffee alone not maketh the cafe!


Featured cafes primarily represent the author’s own preferences; however, as the site gains in popularity so too does it attract other businesses that wish to be represented.

Hence the website may be supported by a number of sponsored ads, including cafes, local tourism operators and local small businesses.

Coffee in Cairns has also partnered with Kids About Cairns, to help you sift through the plethora of fun activities for kids and families, both local and visiting Cairns.

Coffee in Cairns is a referral website (direct booking website) and as such can not be held liable for any failings of the businesses to which it provides a link.

We encourage visitors to book directly with local tourism operators in order to secure the best booking prices and best booking conditions.

Information contained herein is intended to be informative and is regularly updated but we accept no legal liability for any errors or misinformation.


15 October 2023